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401(k) Tax Incentives for Small Businesses
The tax benefits of a 401(k) plan can be substantial. Explore the tax incentives available to small businesses.
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401(k) Partner Page

Grow your 401(k) Practice with a Trusted Partner

At Employee Fiduciary, we welcome the opportunity to partner with 401(k) financial advisors.


Our services, fees, and transparency are complementary to advisors who can leverage our strengths to help attract and retain clients.


Our strict focus on product services and standards allows advisors the flexibility to bring their unique value to clients through an array of investment choices, model portfolios, and other value-added services, such as record keeping.

Why Partner with Employee Fiduciary

Thinking about joining the 200+ advisors already partnered with Employee Fiduciary to serve their 401(k) clients? Here's why you should: 


Low Fees

Our fees are among the lowest in the country, making it easier for you to demonstrate objective value to your clients.

Dedicated Service Team

All of your clients will be assigned the same installation and account manager.

Custom Plan Design

No off-the-shelf plans here! We help each client choose the plan features that best fit their unique goals and budget


Fee Collection & Remittance

We can collect your fees from plan assets and remit them to you quickly. We can also include your fees on participant fee disclosures.
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Free Directory Listing

Our Financial Advisor Directory is used by employers daily to find advisors in their area. All partners get a free listing.

Model Portfolio Capabilities

Manage customized portfolios via the plan sponsor website.