Employee Fiduciary Celebrates 20 Years of Service in the 401(k) Industry!

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Evaluating 401(k) Providers: Separating Commodity from Value-Added Services

Evaluating 401(k) Providers: Separating Commodity from Value-Added Services

By: Eric Droblyen

February 10th 2015

When shopping 401k providers for your small businesses retirement plan, it's important to separate commodity from value-added services.
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NAPA stakes a position against the DOL’s fiduciary rule

NAPA stakes a position against the DOL’s fiduciary rule

By: Eric Droblyen

January 26th 2015

NAPA is missing the point of a fiduciary rule. DOL is saying it’s too easy for unscrupulous or incompetent brokers to steer investors to products with higher fees.
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Keeping my Fingers Crossed for 401(k) Reform in Tonight’s SOTU Address

Keeping my Fingers Crossed for 401(k) Reform in Tonight’s SOTU Address

By: Eric Droblyen

January 20th 2015

Small business retirement plan reform in 2015 State of the Union address. Hopefully a fiduciary standard to 401(k) savers are clear, conflict-fee advice at reasonable fees
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MyRAs are not the answer for expanding retirement plan coverage

MyRAs are not the answer for expanding retirement plan coverage

By: Eric Droblyen

January 6th 2015

MyRAs not yet a strong alternative for small business retirement plans. The President and Congress need to work together to give workers more options.
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New Year’s Resolution # 1 for Fiduciaries – “I WILL Evaluate My 401(k) Plan Fees

New Year’s Resolution # 1 for Fiduciaries – “I WILL Evaluate My 401(k) Plan Fees"

By: Eric Droblyen

December 30th 2014

ERISA requires 401(k) sponsors, and any other fiduciary, to ensure that the services provided to their plan are necessary with fair 401(k) Plan Fees
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JP Morgan publishes a piece on choosing target date funds for your plan. Good points made, but even better points are left out.

JP Morgan publishes a piece on choosing target date funds for your plan. Good points made, but even better points are left out.

By: Greg Carpenter

December 23rd 2014

Managers of target date funds should be evaluated on their ability to add value net of fees. Plan sponsors should ask what value will I get for my money vs fees.
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There are no “economies of scale” in 401(k) plans – unless you are trying to beat the market

There are no “economies of scale” in 401(k) plans – unless you are trying to beat the market

By: Greg Carpenter

December 17th 2014

Do economies of scale exist in small business 401(k) plans? To improve the quality of small business 401(k) plans we need to set and enforce fiduciary standards
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Multiple Employer Plans (MEPs) are a marketing play, not a way to cut costs. We don’t need them.

Multiple Employer Plans (MEPs) are a marketing play, not a way to cut costs. We don’t need them.

By: Greg Carpenter

December 10th 2014

Multiple Employer Plans (MEPs) are not a way to reduce costs in small business retirement plans.
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Reforming Roth provisions may be key to improving savings rates for Millennials. My proposal.

Reforming Roth provisions may be key to improving savings rates for Millennials. My proposal.

By: Greg Carpenter

November 20th 2014

Millennials are not saving enough for retirement. The Roth 401k concept is outstanding and provides an excellent way to build long-term wealth with tax benefits
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Let’s put “Income” back in ERISA

Let’s put “Income” back in ERISA

By: Greg Carpenter

November 13th 2014

We recommend the government and industry nudge plan participants toward better retirement income results. Tweak ERISA by allowing more competition.
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