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401(k) Plan Investments Without Hidden Fees

To retire as soon as possible, plan participants need cost-efficient funds - basically funds that meet their investment objective for low fees - and professional investment advice. We offer funds - including low-cost index funds and ETFs - without markup. For participant advice, we offer target-date funds or your choice of financial advisor.

Any Investment You Want

With Employee Fiduciary, you get access to all NSCC-tradeable funds on the market - nearly 30,000 share classes from 377 fund families.


This includes low-cost options such as:

  • Vanguard
  • Index Funds
  • Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

You can also choose to include a Self-Directed Brokerage Account (SDBA) through Charles Schwab, known as the Schwab Personal Choice Retirement Account® (PCRA). This allows you to invest in any fund on the market, even those outside your plan's fund lineup.

Zero Markup. Zero Hidden Fees.

Many 401(k) providers limit your investment options to high-priced mutual funds that pay them hidden compensation (known as "revenue sharing"). But not us.


We don't add our own fees on top of the investment costs incurred by your plan. So you can pursue your strategy without worrying about excessive fees from Employee Fiduciary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What investment options are available?

Employee Fiduciary does not limit your investment options.  You can choose any fund we are able to trade through our custodian assuming the fund is open to new investors and any minimum funding requirements are satisfied. 


You can also select funds from multiple fund families.  Please let us know if you have questions regarding the availability of a particular fund.


Where can I find prospectus and other investment fund information? is a good resource to find information regarding the fund's performance, ratings & risk, and investment minimums.  You  can also find information regarding fees associated with the fund.  Vanguard is another excellent resource.  They have tools available on their institutional investor site to assist you in designing a fund lineup.


Are Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) available through your program?

Yes. We offer every major exchange traded fund. ETFs, unlike mutual funds, are bought and sold like a stock and consequently have trading costs and other fees to allow the purchase and sale of fractional shares. Currently trading costs on ETF's are $.01 per share traded.


Do you offer self-directed brokerage accounts?

Yes. We offer Self-Directed Brokerage Accounts (SDBAs) through Charles Schwab as the Schwab Personal Choice Retirement Account® (PCRA).

This gives participants the option to invest their 401(k) contributions in other funds, stocks, and bonds through Schwab’s platform for an additional $100/year charged to their account balance at $25/quarter.


Do you offer investment advice?

No, but we have an online advisor directory for you to browse through and find an advisor licensed in your state who has previous experience working with Employee Fiduciary.


About 50% of plan sponsors hire an investment advisor. This matches national industry averages.


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Get Started with Employee Fiduciary and Retire Faster

Don't let 401(k) confusion come between you and your retirement. With Employee Fiduciary, you'll feel confident that you're not being taken advantage of and are on the right path to retirement.